Eviction Services
Landlords/Apartment Managers, do you have a tenant who is causing problems, not paying rent, or holding over beyond the lease term? You can legally evict the renter. The eviction process is highly technical and procedure driven. Madnawat Law can help you legally evict the tenant. Madnawat Law Firm may also be consulted for matters related to both residential and commercial leases, including drafting lease agreements.
Tenants/Renters, if you are being evicted due to financial reasons, you may contact InnVision or EHCLifeBuilders for help. If you have been served with eviction papers and if you cannot afford an attorney, you may contact Pro Bono Project of Silicon Valley or other legal aid organization in your area. It is difficult and painful to be evicted. However, please consider this, your landlord has bills to pay, including mortgages, property taxes, etc. and may not afford to manage the property without rent payments.